Monday, December 21, 2009

A really good neighborhood

We were blessed with 17 inches of snow on Friday and Saturday. A truly wonderful, remarkable event. And while the snow covered up a great deal of our neighborhood, it also revealed quite a bit as well.

On Saturday morning, I went out to shovel the sidewalk. Slowly, the other men in the neighborhood emerged. But instead of each shoveling our own sidewalk, one started shoveling the driveway of a neighbor who cannot do it herself. It wasn't long before four of us were shoveling her driveway...then the neighbor next to her...then the one across the street...and finally, we worked together to shovel one another out. It was a great time to be together and help one another out. Three neighbors were blessed with clean driveways. Four neighbors were blessed with sore backs, which serve as a good reminder of the blessings of friends.

But that wasn't all. On Sunday, we invited our neighbors to our home to eat food originally prepared for our congregational open house. So these same neighbors got to sit in our living room and dining room and chat about snow, sore backs, and lots of other things as well. While there, our neighbors---who have all seen our advent log from the outside---got to experience it from the inside. 21 candles lighted in celebration of Jesus' birth, a devotional reading, and a prayer.

You know, when appraisal companies come by to appraise the value of a home, they leave off the really important things, like neighbors who will shovel your driveway, watch your kids, and drink cranberry punch around an advent log 5 days before Christmas.

In our case, maybe it's best that the appraisers didn't add in the value of the neighbors. If they had, I doubt we could have afforded it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Getting both pieces right

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8, NRSV)

Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you... (1 Peter 3:15, NRSV)

My cousin works for Big Sisters in Boston. One of her co-workers posted an entry on their blog site (view it here) about how it is very popular to build girls' schools in Africa. The blog asks an interesting question: why not here?

It's a valid point. We'll send our money halfway around the world to help people (who have legitimate needs) while ignoring the needs of people we likely see when we go to the mall, or have a cup of coffee downtown. It's fashionable to be interested in "making a difference" in the lives of those who live in third world countries, while ignoring those who live across town.

This is why I'm so glad that my congregation participates at Highland Park Elementary School, impacting the lives of children right here in Roanoke. We tutor children, provide food for those who are hungry, and give moral support to a great faculty and staff. We've learned that there are mission needs less than 5 minutes away from where we worship.

But, fasten your seatbelt, because we're about to go a different direction!

One of the potential pitfalls that Christ-followers need to watch out for is the idea that if we have helped our neighbor, then we have fulfilled the mandates of a relationship with God. Just serve the poor, feed the hungry, tutor a child, and you've done enough.

Trouble is, you don't need a church to do that. You don't even need to acknowledge God to do that. Anyone can do that.

It's the peril of serving in ways that are culturally popular. We can do our acts of service to those who have legitmate needs, yet never give witness that we do these things because we follow Jesus Christ. And, we do even more because we follow Jesus Christ. We delight in worship. We are committed to prayer. We believe that the Holy Spirit is working through us, transforming our sinful nature, making us "saints," holy in God's sight.

The bottom line is that authentic Christianity seeks to get both pieces right. We are in relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and in relationship with the world around us. We seek to spread the Kingdom of God outside the walls of the church into the neighborhood around us, testifying in word and in deed the character of the God we serve, and God's invitation to a relationship with Him.

O Jesus, save us for heaven's sake. And for earth's sake, make us worth saving. Amen.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Minimum Turnaround Investment

The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli. In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions....And the LORD said to Samuel: "See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle" (1 Samuel 3:1, 11).

Yesterday's (11/15/09) worship service in our congregation addressed the topic "Hearing God's call." This topic became an opportunity for me to share with the congregation how I believe God is calling Central into the future.

(On another note, some may wonder if I have "heard God's voice." If you mean "hear" in the same sense that I audibly hear your voice when we speak, then no, I have not "heard God's voice." But, if you mean "do you have a strong sense that what I said is what God desires we do, then yes, I have "heard God" and will stake everything on it.)

My sermon application had three points...

First, we are a declining, downtown congregation. I've had the opportunity to study downtown congregations like ours, and they have similar stories, regardless of city or denominational affiliation. Downtown used to be the place of activity in the city. Lots of people went to church, and they went to downtown churches. The churches thrived.

But then the suburbs came along, and activity (residents and businesses) moved out there. The founding members of the church continued to drive downtown to church, but eventually their children did not. That left most of us with aging, declining congregations, in large buildings we neither fully utilize nor maintain.

With the movement to the suburbs, the downtown began to deterioriate. Crime, drugs, prostitutiton and homelessness became the norm for downtown life. For those who lived in the suburbs but continued to worship downtown, the people who now lived near the church were to be avoided, even feared. They were not "our neighbor" (see Matthew 22:37-39). Downtown was not "safe," so we drove to church, and entered the relative safety of our rather fortress-like structures.

Central's story is similar. But this leads to point 2...

I am not afraid of this, and you should not be either!!! Why not? See the scripture at the top of the blog. At a moment in Israel's history where the voice of God was rare, God spoke! And what God said "would make the ears of everyone who hears it tingle." (What a marvelous thing! By the way, what are your ears doing right now?) Churches do turn around. They turn around by getting excited about the poeple with whom they worship, and the ways they interact with the community around them. Everyone has their own story, but it can be done.

How? I'm glad you asked, because this gets us to point 3...

The way forward for our congregation involves three things: commitment to regular worship, commitment to our Sunday School class, and involvement in the Sunday School class outreach project. That is, as I see it, our "minimum turnaround investment."
  • Come to worship, give praise to God and hear how much God loves you.
  • Come to Sunday School (or some other small group which may be created), and be in relationship with a smaller segment of the congregation. Pray for one another, receive care, laugh with us, and study God's word together.
  • Participate in outreach and witness. Help us "seek the peace and prosperity of the city" where we live (Jeremiah 29:7). Come with us to Highland Park Elementary School, the Roanoke Rescue Mission, or share your offerings for Second Harvest Food Bank. Allow God to stretch you as we reach outside the walls of our church with a message of salvation, justice, and hope.

My sermon, and this blog entry, have no conclusion. The conclusion will be told by our accepting (or rejecting, ignorning, or avoiding) this challenge.

Only one thing remains...Who is with me?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Today's Prayer

Dear Jesus, save us, for Heaven's sake. And for earth's sake, make us worth saving.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Responding to God's Call

Don't be fish vomit (Jonah 2:10)

Last night, I had the privilege of attending the ordination services for my friend, Dava Hensley. Sister Dava has an interesting story of coming back into relationship with Jesus Christ, and then responding to the call to be pastor of First Church of the Brethren in Roanoke.

How many of us would move from the town we've lived our entire lives and move several hours away? (When you're just out of school, maybe. But when you're in your 50's?) How many of us would take a 50% reduction in pay because we were convinced it was God's plan for our life?

Sister Dava did both of these things, and last night I had the chance to worship with her congregation and pray for her as she is ordained to the ministry.

God is good to us, indeed. But that doesn't mean that God will always ask us to do things that are easy or things we are comfortable with. We can trust, that in the midst of God's call, God's goodness will be experienced in ways we could never imagine. But we must go with God.

Beginning this Wednesday evening at 6:30, our congregation will study the Old Testament book of Jonah. It is a marvelous---and challenging---story of how God calls unlikely people to do important things.

Is God calling you? Have you responded?

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Welfare of the City

"But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare" (Jeremiah 29:7, NRSV).

Recently, a member of our congregation gave me a copy of the Virginia Education Association magazine. One of the articles made reference to a "Educators and Clergy Conference" sponsored by the Oklahoma Education Association. In both 2008 and 2009, the OK Ed. Assn. sponsored a conference where educators and clergy could sit down in a room and find ways to work together for the benefits of students. You can learn more of this conference here:

Instances where the world reminds the church of one of its tasks are always fascinating to me. Here is one of those times: seek the welfare of the city. "Welfare" translates the word "shalom." It describes the well-being of the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. Seeking the well-being of the city is one place where churches and schools can find common ground instead of suspicion.

Congregations in Action is one way our congregation seeks the welfare of the city. We have certainly found common ground with educators in this shared work. Along the way, we have also met some fasinating children, and learned a few things about being the church in the urban, city center.

May we continue to seek the welfare of the city (Roanoke) that is our home.

Pastor Tim

Congregations in Action

Last Tuesday, I went to the Highland Park Elementary school volunteer training. Our congregation was well represented.

While there, I learned that there are 12 students at Highland Park (7 boys and 5 girls) who would benefit from the one-on-one relationship of a tutor. The students need the academic help, but they also need the adult interaction. Both are important. Two persons in our congregation are already filling such roles, but are their more? Are there some men in the congregation who could fill this role? One hour per week is the expectation, and it is a fair one. You could go first thing in the morning on your way to work, or over your lunch hour. The teachers will prepare the resources for you.

Pastor Tim

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Central Brethren's New Blog Site

As mankind (with Christian Church in tow) forges into the 21st Century, people are utilizing technological advances, especially in Multimedia and Telecommunications, to enhance, strengthen, or otherwise improve, relations between community members. This means that today's citizenry, you and I, possesses a greater capacity to publicly express our sentiments than at any previous point in history.

Consequently, whether an issue might entail the imposition of bureaucratic 'red tape' aimed at increasing a municipality's coffers to obtain a maintenance permit, or an arbitrary rerouting of school buses, it's never been easier for community members to convey their feelings about a particular matter. It's for this reason too, that we've originated a new 'blog' site for 'Central'. It's our hope this little 'experiment' might prove to be an innovative and fun learning experience for all.

We'd invite you to leave a comment as a way of introducing yourself and sharing any thoughts or concerns.